Community Supported Agriculture Memberships
What's a CSA?
A CSA membership is the easiest way for farmers to market directly to the public. You become a member when you purchase a farm share, and essentially become the owner of the livestock, which we raise and process for you. Every farm CSA is different and unique to the individual farm, how it operates and what members need and want. Many farms rely almost entirely on their CSA's to stay in business, as it is the easiest, most efficient, and legal method of distributing fresh farm products, especially eggs and value added poultry products. We offer a variety of options for our members.
Egg Shares
Full share- $312
A full egg share supplies your family with one dozen eggs per week throughout the year.
Half share- $156
A half egg share supplies your family with one dozen eggs every other week throughout the year.
Double share- $624
A double egg share will supply you with two dozen eggs per week throughout the year.
*Egg shares equate to $6.00 per dozen.
*You may purchase an egg share any time of the year.
Meat Chicken Shares
These memberships are based on the estimate that each dressed chicken weighs between 3-6 lb. Because the sizes of the chickens vary, we can only estimate the total weight, but guarantee the number of chickens you receive, either distributed throughout the year or in one bulk transaction per your request. The overall value of this weight is $4.00/lb.
Full share- $512.00
This guarantees your family 26 whole chickens, or 128 lb of meat.
Half share- $264.00
This will supply you with 14 chickens, or 66 lb of meat.
Quarter share- $132.00
This will get you 8 chickens, or 33 lb of meat.
*If you would like to purchase one of these options, please complete your down payment by May. Contact us about payment plans! This gives us the time and resources to acquire all the meat birds we will need to fulfill the share agreement. Thank you!
*Please note that we are flexible! If you find that you need two chickens one week, and none the following week, we can work with your schedule and needs. We try to keep frozen meat available throughout the year, one of the unique perks of Bees and Birds Farms!
*If you would like to know when we have fresh meat available, please contact us and join our mailing list so we can notify you! CSA members have priority over fresh meat, which means that no matter what size share you purchase, as a member you will be notified before other customers about when we have fresh meat available, and will have the option to pick it up at your convenience.
Turkey Shares
This is your chance to order a freshly butchered turkey for your holiday feasts. We simply ask for a $50 down payment for every turkey ordered at the beginning of the breeding season. This covers our expenses and ensures your amazing quality meat at the end of the season. We collect the remaining balance (depending on the exact dressed weight) at the time you pick up the bird. You may specify your desired dress weight but please understand that we can only try our best to accommodate this desire! Dressed turkeys are valued at $6.99/lb. We will have them available fresh the week leading up to Thanksgiving and frozen throughout the year, and try to offer a wide variety of dress sizes to accommodate the individual needs of our customers.
*If you'd like to participate in a turkey share, please complete your payment by the last week of March. This gives us the time and resources to acquire the birds we need to fulfill our farm share agreement.
*ADOPT A TURKEY PROGRAM! We are tickled to offer the public the option to purchase a share to acquire a LIVE turkey! We take specific breed requests, but can't guarantee fulfillment of these requests, however assure a pure heritage breed turkey. We ask for a payment of $30, due by the last week of March. We will raise and nurture your turkey until the last week in June. You may pick up your turkey to take home with you any time after this, or leave it with us to raise to maturity for you. After the last week in June, we charge an additional $4.00/week to cover our time, labor and cost. Make sure this is the right choice for you and your family as this option is non-refundable! Thanks for understanding, and supporting your small local farms!
Combo Shares
Combine any of the above listed farm shares! This will give you the complete poultry farm experience.
Pay as you go Share
If you want to enjoy the amazing poultry products we offer, but are unsure about committing to purchasing a share, don't worry! All you have to do to become a member of Bees and Birds Farms is give us your name, number, and address, and make a small down payment for the meat you'll receive once it's processed. The remaining balance due, depending on the final dress weight, will be paid upon receiving the bird. In this way, we can raise and butcher the livestock you have technically purchased alive, without need for the collection of a larger amount of money.
Grain Share
Coming soon! For all you backyard poultry farmers!